I Wish God Gave Us A Guide

              I almost don’t know where to start except  from the beginning.  I have a nine-year old son who is currently in CPS custody. He has been diagnosed with bi polar disorder, ad hd, and o.d.d.  Before anyone starts judging me he was not taken from me I needed there help.  My son was slowly spiraling  out of control. Despite the overwhelming efforts from my family, friends, schools, doctors and therapist. This is where I say” I wish God gave us a guide” on how to raise each child.  Well since he didn’t and I have learned so much. I just  feel like God did not put me through all this to not help others.  I pray that somehow our story helps others.

My son started showing signs of aggression at a very young age. He was just so mean and I did not know why.  He acted like he just did not care if there was a consequence for his actions no matter what it was.  He acted as if he had no fear. He tried to ride is tricycle down the stairs at our two story apartments  You had to watch him really close around kids smaller than him. I was always so afraid he would hurt them.  Even though he seemed to not care about anything he was extremely attached to me.  I literally could not go to the bathroom he acted as if he were scared I was going to disappear. I had always been there so I never understood this till recently.  Which I will talk about later.   He had the worst temper tantrums I had ever seen. Of course everyone is looking at me like I am a bad parent. Who wouldn’t I guess when you’re in line at walmart and your child ask you for chips and you say no.( One because you don’t have the money and two you have some at home. ) Then he throws a fit all the way out the door all the way home.  I finally went to see his pediatrician who just so happens to specialize in children with ad hd. During our first visit Dylan was so hyped up and trying to jump off the exam bed and on to the chairs. He had got himself so worked up he broke out in a sweat.   At first the Doctor told me to just let him be as we talked so he could just watch him.  When the doctor I guess felt it was enough he started trying to redirect him.   The doctor was very firm with him trying to get him to settle down. With very little compliance from him.  The doctor decided even then at 3 almost 4 years old that he had ad hd.  The doctor prescribed him a low dose of a stimulant medication adderal. (I did not know much about these medications then) It made him extremely o.c.d about his looks he changed clothes so many times in  a day. He was constantly combing his hair. Also very conceited. It was scary how he changed so much so fast.  He was calmer but he was not hisself at all. He constantly moved his lips and his tounge and sometimes even his fingers.  I was already so hesitate to put him on anything to begin with I took him off of it very quickly.  I guess this is when things just started getting progressively worse.  The doctor insisted on the medications and I felt like they were doing more harm than good. Sadly it was not long after that when he had is first major episode(is what I call them). Which is also what lead to his first hospitalization.

Not long after taking him off the medications he had his first real episode. He was three almost four.  We were in Walmart eating at the Mcdonalds. We were waiting for the oil to be changed in the car.  I  was full and  waiting for him to finish eating.  He had already ate all of his and was eating the left over fries I was not able to eat. . I really had to go to the restroom and told him we needed to go. There was still some fries left so I had put them in a bag he had is drink and I had mine. He was upset because we were leaving and he still wanted to eat the fries. I told him mommy had to go to the bathroom and that I had them and he could eat them on the way home.  But that was not good enough he was so mad he out of nowhere throws his drink across walmart and almost hit a walmart employee with it.  I was in shock. If I had done that growing up I would have honestly got the crap beat out of me and probably right there in the store without a second thought . Spankings never worked with him anyway but I would never spank my child in public because of fear of C.P.S.  Anyway the next I would say twenty min were at that time the longest twenty min ever. I can not even remember what I said to him or what I did. The next thing I can remember is him crying because he wanted his drink. He falls in the floor and would not get up to go. I did not know what to do I was trying to drag him but he starts kicking me. He is too heavy to carry.  Of course everyone is staring at me like I am not embarrassed enough. So I try acting as if I am going to walk off and leave him. Like things were not bad enough he grabs hold of my leg and would not let go. Now keep in mind he never stop crying and pleading for one thing or another.  I absolutely could not get him off my leg and did not know what to do seeing how no one offered to help me and it was obvious I needed help. Quite frankly I was as dumb founded as they where I had no idea what to do or what was going through this kids mind. So I start making my way to the other side of the store dragging him as he has his legs and arms tightly wrapped around my leg. He held on all the way crying and talking at the same time seriously wanting his coke and fries. Of course I am so pissed at that moment I am thinking I am never taking you to Mcdonalds again. As I get to the tire and lube there was a man and woman at the register they seen I was having issues and let me go ahead.  He is now standing up but trying to knock stuff off the counter and still crying begging me for his coke.mI was trying to ignore him and just get checked out. Once I pay and start to go he decides he is not going again. Anyway to shorten this a little I wound up having to ask the people to help me and they did I really think they say the desperation in my eyes and honestly i was exhausted. They helped me  get him to the car and then he would not get in it.  I am like really thinking this boy has lost his mind and I am about to lose mine. This child is three years old and it literally took three grown people to carry him to the car.  He finally after much effort he got in but kicked the seats and cried for a few minutes then he just passed out. I guess due to exhaustion. Once we got home and he gets woke up and I go to talk to him about it he acts like he does not remember it. That is when I started thinking I really needed a psychologist opinion. If anyone is going through something similar please follow my blog. I have learned so much through my experiences with my son the system and much more.

Also there is a program which I think everyone should have. I think even if you’re not having serious problems. Start before it gets serious and it a lot easier to correct.  I love the man who made this program Brian Post.  He is honest and straight to the point.  You can download a free e-book on this page http://c41f3b1e8nhyuooe2cpio0s74w.hop.clickbank.net/” target=”_top”>Click Here!</a> .   If you have a smart phone you can just scan here. Check out is page I think you too will be impressed.  Please let me know what you think. I really think that our system oyr parents ect. should start with this kids young instead of waiting till they are ten to throw them in the system. It’s time for parents to fight for our kids. Check out Brian post we have to start somewhere.

Ps. Moms,Dads,Caretakers The most important thing in my opinion you can ever do with your children is start from day one being consistent. No always means no.  I don’t care how much they beg and pled. Also you are the adult you don’t have to explain why they can’t go outside and play, or why you want the tv turned down, maybe its time for bed and they don’t want to go.   You already said go to bed then they need to go to bed. As little as this may seem it’s a huge deal I wish I would have been more consistent with my son.  I honestly believe it would have changed our lives.

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